Tuesday, December 14, 2010


interesting and creative idea for that last riddle... now for the next. "A man gets bored at his job on the 25th floor, so he jumps through the window and lands on the ground, unharmed and in perfect health. How is this possible?"


  1. The answer is quite simple my friend. See here, when this man was young he was obviously touched by an adult. This in result has made him want to touch little boys whenever he can. So he was at the top of a building spying on the little boys bellow, he then rappelled down with the equipment he got when he was a Lt. Colonel in Vietnam. He reaches the bottom unharmed and the little boys are in shock.I'm pretty sure that is how it all went down.

  2. @The Inebriated Shamrock
    Back in motherland if you touched a little boy, you would be publicly castrated. Only capitalist pigs touch little boys!

  3. The man is a window washer dumbass! and these are the easy level riddles too!

  4. So if this man was a dumbass, why is he washing windows 25 stories above the ground?

  5. Are these stories novels or full blown screenplays?

  6. No, They are stories to attract little boys.

  7. Italian Capitalism: You have two cows, but you don't know where they are. You break for lunch.

  8. Arkansas Capitalism: You have two cows. That one on the left is kinda cute...

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